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sábado, 14 de marzo de 2009

Obama considera resguardar su frontera sur

Hoy publica el NYT.

Obama Says He Will Review Request for Guard on Border
WASHINGTON — President Obama is considering a request by Gov. Rick Perry of Texas to deploy National Guard troops along the southern border to stop a devastating wave of violence from spilling into this country from Mexico.
Mr. Obama spoke about the request Wednesday with a group of reporters from regional newspapers. He said that he did not favor “militarizing the border,” and that his staff was preparing a “comprehensive strategy” for working with Mexico to stem both the flow of drugs into the United States and the flow of guns into Mexico.
But Mr. Obama added that he would “examine whether and if National Guard deployments would make sense, and in what circumstances they would make sense as part of this overall review of our border situation.”
Those comments followed a series of hearings at which members of Congress characterized the deteriorating situation in Mexico as a major threat to national security, and criticized the Obama administration, saying it had not offered a specific strategy for dealing with the problem.
At one of those hearings, Dennis C. Blair, the director of national intelligence, told legislators that Mexico was not in control of parts of its territory. The statements put new strain on the United States’ long-conflicted relationship with Mexico. Speaking about Mr. Blair’s statements, President Felipe Calderón said he believed there was a new “campaign” against his country.
“I challenge anyone to tell me to what point in national territory they want to go, and I will take them,” Mr. Calderón said in a speech Thursday.
He acknowledged the magnitude of Mexico’s fight and added that its problems were a consequence of Mexico’s location next to “the biggest consumer of drugs in the world and the largest supplier of weapons in the world.”
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will visit Mexico on March 25 and 26. Aides said the trip was meant to demonstrate the Obama administration’s support for Mr. Calderón’s efforts and to talk about ways to expand cooperation in areas like trade.
Topping the agenda, officials said, would be discussions about ways to increase cooperation through a $1.4 billion plan approved by the Bush administration that includes weapons and training for Mexican security forces.
Officials said trips to Mexico were also being planned by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr.

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