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sábado, 8 de noviembre de 2008

EL equipo

Obama poses for a picture with (from left to right) his new press secretary Robert Gibbs, campaign manager David Plouffe and chief campaign strategist David Axelrod.
Credits: David Katz/Obama for America
Todas las fotos de la noche de la elección...aquí
En la fotografía vemos el equipo que hizo posible que Barack Obama llegara a la Casa Blanca, en verdad espero un libro que nos cuente la estrategia que éstos tres personajes planearon para poner al primer afro-americano en la oficina oval... Fue realmente impecable.
El equipo que sigue....según reuters, desde Politico´s Playbook:
APPENDIX -- The Reuters list of 'possible choices for key Cabinet positions': SECRETARY OF DEFENSE - Defense Secretary Robert Gates was sworn in by outgoing President Bush on Dec. 18, 2006. Obama voted to confirm him. Gates served as CIA director from 1991 until 1993. - Richard Danzig is a close adviser to Obama. He served as Navy secretary under President Bill Clinton. He also served as Navy undersecretary from 1993 to 1997.
TREASURY SECRETARY - Lawrence Summers served as Treasury secretary under Clinton. The former president of Harvard University has been a top adviser to Obama. - Timothy Geithner is president of the New York Federal Reserve Bank. He served as Treasury undersecretary for international affairs during the Clinton administration.
SECRETARY OF STATE - Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts was the Democratic candidate in the 2004 presidential election. A Vietnam War veteran, he was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1984. - Sam Nunn is a former senator from Georgia who chaired the Senate Armed Services Committee. Nunn has long been viewed as a leading Democratic voice on foreign policy. - Sen. Chuck Hagel of Nebraska, an outspoken member of the Committee on Foreign Relations, has been a leading Republican critic of the Bush administration's Iraq invasion. He is retiring from the Senate, having served two terms.
DIRECTOR OF THE OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET - Peter Orszag has headed the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office since January 2007. He previously served as an economic adviser to President Clinton.
U.S. TRADE REPRESENTATIVE - Dan Tarullo is a professor at Georgetown University law school. He is a specialist on trade and international economics. As a senior White House aide to Clinton, he helped prepare for meetings of the Group of Seven industrialized economies.
ATTORNEY GENERAL - Eric Holder served as deputy Attorney General under Clinton. He has been a senior legal advisor to Obama's campaign and helped vet Obama's vice presidential candidates. - Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano, first elected in 2002 and re-elected in 2006, is a former U.S. Attorney. She has been called a pro-business centrist Democrat.
AGRICULTURE SECRETARY - Tom Vilsack is a former governor of Iowa, an agriculture state carried by Obama. In 2006 he became the first Democrat to announce his candidacy for president. He quickly withdrew and later endorsed Sen. Hillary Clinton. Vilsack is an attorney who specializes in energy conservation, renewable energy and agribusiness development. - Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, re-elected to a second term in 2006, had been considered a potential running mate for Obama. - Charles Stenholm, a former Democratic congressman from Texas, was a cotton producer before running for Congress. He followed agricultural issues closely until he lost his seat in the 2004 election.

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