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miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2008

Ahí sigue el techo de cristal...la discriminación por género

Hoy la revista alemana Der Spiegel publica una nota sobre la brecha que existe en el mundo entre hombres y mujeres. De acuerdo con el reporte global de género de 2008, la brecha más estrecha está en Noruega, la más ancha en Yemen...Todavía nos falta mucho por hacer.

"Norway is the country with the narrowest gender gap in the world, while Yemen has the widest. A new global survey of equality between the sexes reveals that despite near equal access to education and health care, women are still way behind when it comes to political and economic decision-making.
The glass ceiling is alive and well, despite women across the world having increased access to heahlth care and education. A new report published on Wednesday by the World Economic Forum (WEF) shows that the gender gap persists in both the industrial and developing world. The 2008 Global Gender Gap Report predictably ranks the Nordic countries as having the greatest equality between the sexes, with Norway now replacing Sweden at the top of the list. Saudi Arabia, Chad and Yemen were the lowest ranked in the survey of 130 countries.
Outside the Nordic region, which usually scores well in measures of gender equality, New Zealand, the Philippines, Ireland, the Netherlands and Latvia were in the Top Ten. Germany, the United Kingdom and Spain all fell back slightly but stayed in the top 20, while France made the biggest leap, from 51st in 2007 to 15th in 2008.
In Iceland, that call seems to have already been heeded. Last month two women, Elin Sigfusdottir and Birna Einarsdottir, were brought in to rebuild the country's troubled financial system, taking over the two recently nationalized banks New Landsbanki and New Glitnir. A government official told the Financial Times in October that it was a sign that the women were now taking over. "It's typical, the men make the mess and the women come in to clean it up."
Sobre el reporte:
The Report measures the size of the gender gap in four critical areas of inequality between men and women: 1) Economic participation and opportunity – outcomes on salaries, participation levels and access to high-skilled employment 2) Educational attainment – outcomes on access to basic and higher-level education 3) Political empowerment – outcomes on representation in decision-making structures 4) Health and survival – outcomes on life expectancy and sex ratio.
Y México en qué posición está? De 130 países estamos en el honorabilísimo lugar 97, lo peor, estábamos en el 93...aquí los rankings.
El reporte dice: "Mexico fell four places this year from 93rd place in 2007. Mexico’s performance relative to itself remains unchanged, but the more notable achievements of other countries entails that Mexico falls in the relative rankings."
Con razón el otro día, una persona viajada, al despedirse, le dió la mano a mi esposo primero, y me dijo "así es en México no?, primero los hombres"... Me quedé estupefacta y muy pero muy enojada y le respondí "NO, en México como en todo el mundo las mujeres vamos primero". Cuando caminábamos de regreso a la casa nos cruzamos en el camino con dos mujeres cubiertas de pies a cabeza con una Burkha y llenas de hijos...

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1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

geri quien te dio la mano al ultimo, seguro eran los gueyes que me contaste no? de la region que me gusta?