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martes, 19 de agosto de 2008

What a Wonderful World III

Y continúan publicando y diciendo que la crisis ruso-georgiana es una amenaza para los Estados Unidos, por qué? pues porque volvemos a la era de la guerra fría y los Neocons hacen creer que son ellos- sólo ellos- quienes deben afrontar el asunto...

McCain's Georgian Hyperbole
Exaggerating threats is a feature, not a bug, of McCainite neoconservatism, and reveals much about what kind of president he'd make.
Matt Welch

On Thursday of last week, Republican presidential nominee John McCain said that Russia's invasion of Georgia was "the first probably serious crisis internationally since the end of the Cold War." This is most certainly not true, at least according to the last two decades' worth of foreign policy assessments from one John McCain.
Neoconservatism's problem, and electoral advantage, is one and the same: By escalating international problems into monumental crises and impending threats, interventionists such as John McCain have been able to appear knowledgeable, "serious," and presidentially tough, all at once. Any competitor preaching policy restraint and rhetorical prudence looks like a wuss in comparison.
So take care when the would-be commander in chief says "we are all Georgians" (a rhetorical flourish made goofy by the fact that not all Georgians are even Georgians).

O puedes ver la situación con otros ojos y acordándote que hoy existe una Europa unida, fuerte y mayormente democrática:

Europe Gets Started On Quelling a Crisis
Nicolas Sarkozy
This plan did not solve everything. It did not aim to. But it did get the parties to agree to the cease-fire. The signatures of Presidents Medvedev and Saakashvili, and myself, on behalf of the European Union, allow the withdrawal of Russian forces to the positions they had held before hostilities broke out, in line with the assurances I was given by President Medvedev.
I remain convinced that the first mission of the European Union is to protect Europeans. This is exactly what we have been doing in sparing no efforts to calm this new conflict, the consequences of which could be catastrophic were it to prove a sign of a new Cold War.

Europe Wonders if It Can Square Its Need for Russia With a Distaste for Putin
Steven Erlanger
After Russian behavior during the Georgia crisis, said Jacques Rupnik, an Eastern Europe expert at the Paris Institute of Political Studies, known as Sciences-Po, “There is little disagreement now in Europe about the nature of the new Russia.” Those Europeans “who didn’t get it before are getting it now,” Mr. Rupnik said. Still, Europe is taking comfort, as usual, “in the idea of mediating between Washington and Moscow.”
Since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, there have been numerous border changes in Europe — mostly recently in Kosovo, the example Mr. Putin uses to defend Russia’s move in Georgia. “We are still in the process of building and making states,” Mr. Rupnik said. “The map is not finished.”

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