Il est interdit d'interdire!
It is forbidden to forbid!
Prohibido Prohibir!
Es its verboten zu Verbieten!
"Bye Bye Badman" Stone Roses
conservative values (religion, patriotism, respect for authority)
liberal values (equality, sexual liberation, human rights)
Simone de Beauvoir, Jean Paul Sartre y Ernesto Che Guevara en 1960
Be Young and Shut Up!
Students and helmeted police facing off on the Boulevard Saint-Michel in the Latin Quarter of Paris, 40 years ago. The French right calls May '68 "the events," while the left calls it "the movement." (The Associated Press) Entonces, los estudiantes demandaban el cambio, hoy demandan que las cosas se queden como estan.
Video Europa 2008
Francia 1968
The Beatles: Revolution
Rolling Stones: Street Fighting Man
Hacer una reseña sobre el mayo francés es además de ambicioso, absurdo. Existen miles de escritos, fotografías, películas. Me parece mejor recordarlo y presentarlo a través de los sentidos: imágenes, música y palabras, creo que nos dicen más que un largo escrito sobre acontecimientos. Para ello recomiendo ir a wikipedia, revisar en youtube y darse una vuelta por google o yahoo, seguro encontrarás una bibliografía online impresionante...
frases y graffitis de mayo del ´68:
¡Únete pueblo!
Ce n’est qu’un début, continuons le combat
Esto no es más que el principio, continuemos el combate
L'ennui est contre-révolutionnaire.
El aburrimiento es contrarrevolucionario
Pas de replâtrage, la structure est pourrie.
No le pongas parches, la estructura está podrida
Nous ne voulons pas d'un monde où la certitude de ne pas mourir de faim s'échange contre le risque de mourir d'ennui.
No queremos un mundo donde la garantía de no morir de hambre supone el riesgo de morir de aburrimiento.
Ceux qui font les révolutions à moitié ne font que se creuser un tombeau.
Los que hacen las revoluciones a medias no hacen más que cavar sus propias tumbas.
On ne revendiquera rien, on ne demandera rien. On prendra, on occupera.
No vamos a reivindicar nada, no vamos a pedir nada. Tomaremos, ocuparemos.
Plebiscite : qu'on dise oui qu'on dise non il fait de nous des cons.
Plebiscito: Votemos a favor o en contra, nos hará idiotas.
Soyez réalistes, demandez l'impossible.
Seamos realistas, exijamos (hagamos) lo imposible.
La barricade ferme la rue mais ouvre la voie.
La barricada cierra la calle, pero abre la vía.
Il n'y aura plus désormais que deux catégories d'hommes : les veaux et les révolutionnaires.
En cas de mariage, ça fera des réveaulutionnaires.
De ahora en adelante, sólo habrá dos clases de hombres: los borregos y los revolucionarios. En caso de matrimonio, esto producirá "borregolucionarios".
Le desordre c'est moi.
El caos soy yo
L'humanité ne sera heureuse que le jour où le dernier bureaucrate aura été pendu avec les tripes du dernier capitaliste.
La humanidad no será feliz hasta el dia que el último burócrata sea ahorcado con las tripas del último capitalista
Oubliez tout ce que vous avez appris. Commencez par rêver.
Olvídense de todo lo que han aprendido. Comiencen a soñar
Soyez réalistes, demandez l'impossible.
Be realistic, demand the impossible.
On achète ton bonheur. Vole-le.
They buy your happiness. Steal it.
Sous les pavés, la plage !
Beneath the paving stones - the beach!
Lisez moins, vivez plus.
Read less, live more.
On ne revendiquera rien, on ne demandera rien. On prendra, on occupera.
We will claim nothing, we will ask for nothing. We will take, we will occupy.
Le patron a besoin de toi, tu n'as pas besoin de lui.
The boss needs you, you don't need him.
Travailleur: Tu as 25 ans mais ton syndicat est de l'autre siècle.
Worker: You are 25, but your union is from the last century.
Veuillez laisser le Parti communiste aussi net en sortant que vous voudriez le trouver en y entrant.
Please leave the Communist Party as clean on leaving as you would like to find it on entering.
Ni Dieu ni maître!
Neither god nor master!
Et cependant tout le monde veut respirer et personne ne peut respirer et beaucoup disent " nous respirerons plus tard ". Et la plupart ne meurent pas car ils sont déjà morts.
Meanwhile everyone wants to breathe and nobody can breathe and many say, "We will breathe later". And most of them don't die because they are already dead.
Dans une société qui a aboli toute aventure, la seule aventure qui reste est celle d'abolir la société.
In a society that has abolished all adventures, the only adventure left is to abolish society.
L'émancipation de l'homme sera totale ou ne sera pas.
The liberation of humanity will be total or it will not be.
La révolution est incroyable parce que vraie.
The revolution is unbelievable because it's real.
Je suis venu. J'ai vu. J'ai cru.
I came. I saw. I believed. (Mimics Veni, vidi, vici.)
Cours, camarade, le vieux monde est derrière toi!
Run, comrade, the old world is behind you!
Il est douloureux de subir les chefs, il est encore plus bête de les choisir.
It's painful to suffer the bosses; it's even stupider to pick them.
Un seul week-end non révolutionnaire est infiniment plus sanglant qu'un mois de révolution permanente.
A single nonrevolutionary weekend is infinitely more bloody than a month of permanent revolution.
Le bonheur est une idée neuve.
Happiness is a new idea.
La culture est l'inversion de la vie.
Culture is the inversion of life.
La poésie est dans la rue.
Poetry is in the street.
L'art est mort, ne consommez pas son cadavre.
Art is dead, don't consume its corpse.
L'alcool tue. Prenez du L.S.D.
Alcohol kills. Take LSD.
Debout les damnés de l'Université.
Arise, you wretched of the University. (Mimics the Internationale.)
Même si Dieu existait il faudrait le supprimer.
Even if God existed, it would be necessary to abolish him. (Paraphrases Bakunin.)
(Reversal of Voltaire's Si Dieu n'existait pas, il faudrait l'inventer : If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him.)
SEXE: C'est bien, a dit Mao, mais pas trop souvent.
SEX: It's good, said Mao, but not too often.
Je t'aime ! Oh ! dites-le avec des pavés !
I love you! Oh, say it with paving stones!
Travailleurs de tous les pays, amusez-vous !
Workers of the world, have fun! (Mimics "Workers of the world, unite!")
Pouvoir à l'Imagination.
Power to the Imagination.
Usines, Universites, Union.
Factories, Universities, Union.
¡No queremos olimpiadas, queremos revolución! Galería de fotografías
Y qué siguió...?
France was far from the only country to witness student protests in 1968. The events were preceded by the announcement, in the United States, that United States President Lyndon B. Johnson would choose to withdraw from the 1968 presidential campaign in March due to rising domestic opposition. This was soon followed by the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. on April 4 and a student-led occupation and closure of Columbia University on April 23.
In Mexico, on the night of 2 October 1968, a student demonstration ended in a storm of bullets in La Plaza de las Tres Culturas at Tlatelolco, Mexico City, ten days before the celebration of the 1968 Summer Olympics in the same city.
The American and German student movements were relatively isolated from the working class, but in Italy and in Argentina, students and workers joined in efforts to create a radically different society.
In Belgium, students from the Flemish university Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Leuven protested against the dominance of the French language in the university, which resulted in a separate Francophone university, Université Catholique de Louvain.
In Eastern Europe, students also drew inspiration from the protests in the West. In Poland and Yugoslavia, students protested against restrictions on free speech by Communist regimes. In Czechoslovakia, the Prague Spring offered a broadening of political rights until it was crushed by the USSR and its Warsaw Pact allies.
Many of the student groups involved with May 1968 were also inspired by a strain of political thought called tiers-mondisme (third worldism). Students idealized and followed socialist movements in countries such as Cuba, Vietnam, or China, and revered figures such as Fidel Castro, Che Guevara or Mao Zedong. Their struggles in their own countries were tied to their support of these third world socialist movements.
In Brazil, student protests against the military dictatorship increased sharply in 1968, with students forming a majority among armed revolutionary movements combating the police and the military and orchestrating operations such as the kidnapping of foreign diplomats (most notably the ambassador of the United States Charles Burke Elbrick in 1969) in order to demand the release of previously imprisoned revolutionaries. This escalation of student protests led to the declaration of the Institutional Act Number Five, which consolidated the absolute power of the military dictatorship, dismantling congress and revoking constitutional rights of citizens.
La filósofa política Hannah Arendt escribió en una carta en junio de 1968 al filósofo Karl Jaspers Sobre el significado del movimiento de 68:
"Mayo del ´68 fué una demostración, una erupción, un levantamiento en su más pura forma...
La única esperanza de los hombres descansa en un levantamiento revolucionario: es el único camino para remover su vergüenza o para reaccionar contra lo que no es tolerable."
"Der Mai '68 war eine Demonstration, eine Eruption, eines Entstehens in seiner reinen Form… Die einzige Hoffnung des Menschen liegt in einem revolutionären Entstehen: das ist der einzige Weg, um ihre Scham abzulegen, oder auf das zu reagieren, was nicht tolerierbar ist."
Renaud "Crève Salope"
Info: Wikipedia, Youtube (Euronews). Sphere: Related Content
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